About Us
This is an online sport's rim and tyre online portal which is cater to buyers to be able to find suitable tyres & rims for their car in Singapore. This is also a bridging portal to help Tyre & Rims Retailer to market and sell their products and services effectively.
Why SgTyres.com came in?
It is because Car Owners do not have the idea what are the sizes or specification of tyres or rims which are suitable for their car or the tyre shop do not have the suitable tyres for them. Singapore do not have any website or system to match tyres and rims for them during this time. So it is created to give the car owners an ease to buy rims and tyres confidently. Our motto is to bridge car owners and tyre shop to benefit each together as our motto of Xeesa is bridging entities.
Problems from Car Owners
90% of the car owners do not know what are the tyres or rims are suitable to fit to their car
Time and petrol are wasted as it might be a wasted trip due to the tyre shop do not have the size which the car owner wants
Problems from Tyre Shop
Scare customer have the fear of tyres or rims not compatible to the car which leads them not to change rims or tyres when they have the desire
Scare fixing the wrong tyres to the wrong rims when experience is minimal
Feel bad when the customers cannot get tyres or rims upon visiting their tyre shop(means nothing is sold for the car owner's trip)
Our Solution for All
Bridging them by letting car owners to use this web system to match what are suitable rims and tyres are ok to fit to their cars by their given details and letting the tyre shop owners to list their products, details into the system for the car owners to contact if details match.
Car Owner Benefits
No fear of not compatible in rims or tyres
Confident in change rims and tyres often, it may lead them to change often(maybe once a year)
Tyre Shop Benefits
More Customers and communication
Better collaboration in the purchasing process between them and the car owners
Feel better whenever the productss are sold to customers with satisfaction
Wanted and Welcome
All Tyres and Rims Suppliers are welcomed to retail or distribute here at no setup or maintenance cost
All Tyres and Rims Installers are welcomed to list with us for free
All Authorise Car Dealers or Parallel Car Importers are welcomed to get Rims and Tyres from us according to specifications
This web portal is owned by Xeesa Services by using XUS(Xeesa Utility Systems) which matches the rims and tyres to be fittable.

XUS(Xeesa Utility Systems) is a system with complex database which has multiple tables and thousands for records, compiled and realtime compiling perimeters for tyres and rims which matches the consumer needs.
We Welcome all Tyre & Rim Retailers, Distributors and Wholesalers to use! |
Reasons to list products with us |
More details exposure to genuine buyers online
More information on tyres available in the market to buyers and directing buyers to your shop
Safer as it is for serious buyers if they have paid for the tyres/rims
Reasons to use Sgtyres.com as your Inventory Database System |
It's free, easy to use, web-based type of ERP
Easier to source tyres and rims available with your neighbour retailers
Easier to find alternative brands and models due to size constraints
Better in stock control to prevent over storage due to the tyre shelf life
Email us @ sales@xeesa.com to list/create new account for your Inventory Database here |
Person in charge
Damien, SgTyres.com Portal Administrator
Email: enquiry@sgtyres.com
SMS/HP: 9-008-8801
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